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Tyrel Denver

She is Dying to Live

Update from Bless an Orphan

Dear friends,

I'm sorry if these images are disturbing. It's horrifying to look at, I know. A couple months ago we shared the story of a young lady in the Philippines by the name of Reesan. She was once the "foster child" of our dear missionary, who loved and cared for her as her own daughter.

She's been fighting for her life against cancer. She is dying to live. She wants to live. She keeps fighting. But, her hope is in Christ alone.

We just received a report that her condition has grown worse and there is nothing left for the Doctors to do. Quite honestly, I don't know if that is the same diagnosis she would have received in the US under different care, but this is her fate in the Philippines.

The cancer has now spread throughout her entire body. The only remaining hope is for a miracle.

Our missionaries visit with her to provide food, comfort, prayers, and encouragement. Thank you all for your prayers for Reesan. We can only trust the Lord with her life. She knows her life is in the father's hands. We will continue to support her in every way possible, and we thank you for helping us to do just that. If you would like to donate to help with Reesan's care, we greatly appreciate it and I know that she is overwhelmed with gratitude as well. PHILIPPINES UPDATE: We continue to move forward to reach the most destitute children in the Philippines. Our ministry focuses on street children, those living in abject poverty, and those who are exposed to the sex industry. Please continue to pray for our missionaries and team that work tirelessly to reach these children and restore lives. Recently, we asked for prayers for our Missionary, Betchie. She had been experiencing chest pains and fatigue. The Doctors cleared her of any heart related issues, but has been ordered to slow down and rest. We are praying for others to join in to relieve the burden that she carries for these children. She has worked tirelessly for many years. We are grateful for those on the team that are stepping in to give Betchie time to rest and renew. This is a beautiful example of what God is doing through this mission. This young man was struggling with identity issues. He submitted his life to Christ and has now been set free. He is excited to serve Lord and our team continues to minister in to his life, helping him through his healing journey. If you will, remember this young man in your prayers, that he would continue to grow and be strengthened in the Word.

Some of the children meet to pray and share as they are taught from the Word of God.

Here is a group of children in the Children's Ministry Center singing, learning about Jesus, and being fed. We are using a temporary shelter to bring the children in until we are able to find an available building. Please pray with us that we will be led to the right building soon! Our team has been diligently looking but has not found anything to suit our needs yet.We're running out of room - there are so many children that are hungry not just in body, but in spirit. They are being loved unconditionally .... something they are craving so desperately. What a happy sight!

Team members visiting and delivering food and supplies to the poorest of the poor. We are so grateful for everything you are able to give to help us bless the lives of these children!


We are really excited to be welcoming in a week, a volunteer team of 16 who will be assisting us on the coast of Ecuador for 2 weeks. The team will be conducting two medical camps where children and the elderly will receive much needed care. The team will also be conducting several Children's day programs with games, prizes, and food for the poor children in communities. As well, the team will assist with our Matthew 25 Feeding Program and helping to rebuild lives that were devastated in the earthquake in 2016 who still are homeless or are living in horrendous conditions. We could use your help! We need all sorts of supplies, beds, medicines, clothing, shoes, food, etc. If you would like to help fund these important projects, please consider a gift today.

Also, will you commit to praying for their safety and health while they are with us. A journalist and videographer with Trunews will be joining us for the duration of this mission trip, and will be reporting live each day. If you would like to hear updates, please tune (go to to hear what the Lord is doing in Ecuador and around the world through your support!

We continue to push beyond all obstacles to bring relief and care to children who are in critical need. We trust the Lord in faith to meet these needs. He always does what seems impossible, and he uses people like YOU to make it happen! There are so many needs. We can't reach them all, but we try to do all that we can to help those with the most urgent needs. In addition to caring for these children, we also must not neglect the needs of those on our team and our missionaries, who put their entire lives in to this mission. We trust God to meet medical needs when they arise. There are no retirement plans - basic needs are met - and there is no complaining because every single one of us have committed our lives to the mission. Every struggle and every heartache has been worth it because lives have been saved and transformed. We are grateful for you and the sacrifices you make to keep us going. Mostly, we are grateful for your prayers. It has been those faith filled prayers that have seen us through.

You'll be hearing from me again soon as we report back on the incredible miracles and work that we expect will be happening over the next few weeks as we strive to bring hope and the love of Christ to many.

God bless you!

Karissa Washburn

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