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Tyrel Denver

Last of the Last Days! Repent America or face Destruction!

The signs are everywhere! What Jesus told us about the last days are unfolding right before your eyes! Can you see it?

Any reader of this blog, understands that the purpose God gave me this website is to sound the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! What we are seeing unfold today is the pleading of a righteous God with a rebellious nation! Repent or face destruction!

I once heard one of my favorite bible teachers (Derek Prince) say that the book of Amos is the most fitting book of the bible for the condition of contemporary America. I agree.... Lets read what Amos said in Amos 4:6-13

6 “I brought hunger to every city and famine to every town. But still you would not return to me,” says the Lord.

7 “I kept the rain from falling when your crops needed it the most. I sent rain on one town but withheld it from another. Rain fell on one field, while another field withered away.

8 People staggered from town to town looking for water, but there was never enough. But still you would not return to me,” says the Lord.

9 “I struck your farms and vineyards with blight and mildew. Locusts devoured all your fig and olive trees. But still you would not return to me,” says the Lord.

10 “I sent plagues on you like the plagues I sent on Egypt long ago. I killed your young men in war and led all your horses away.[a] The stench of death filled the air! But still you would not return to me,” says the Lord.

11 “I destroyed some of your cities, as I destroyed[b] Sodom and Gomorrah. Those of you who survived were like charred sticks pulled from a fire. But still you would not return to me,” says the Lord.

12 “Therefore, I will bring upon you all the disasters I have announced. Prepare to meet your God in judgment, you people of Israel!”

13 For the Lord is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals his thoughts to mankind. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads on the heights of the earth. The Lord God of Heaven’s Armies is his name!

America has a choice to make.... For those who don't know how it turned out for Israel; I tell you what happened. They were destroyed......

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