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Tyrel Denver

Orphan Ministry in Kenya - Thank you!

For a few months now has actively been working with a group of very special people in Kenya. We have kept this under the radar so to speak until our due diligence could be completed. We are happy to report the due diligence has been complete and now we want to share with you the wonderful work the Lord is doing through BOL to help orphans in Kenya.

(Samuel Mwangi, PIPES International)

First, I want to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for making this possible. Second, I want to give a special thanks to Samuel Mwangi with PIPES International who went to Kenya on behalf of BOL to check in on the Orphans and to assess the conditions and to provide BOL with consultation and verification that the financial help is being allocated and distributed to the children as intended. THANK YOU SAMMY! PIPES International is a fine organization doing the work of the Lord around the word but concentrated in Africa and Asia. Your donations to PIPES is well given, please get behind them and visit their website.

Below I will share a gallery of pictures of the orphans and ministry in Kenya that BOL is now heading. I want to thank every person who has donated to help feed these beautiful little angels. THANK YOU!

We are planning a ministry and service trip to Kenya and hope you can either go with us or get behind our work for the Lord there. In the meantime please enjoy the pictures below.

Back Story

The man directly below is named Geofrey Ombaso, a young Pastor who inherited his mothers orphanage upon her passing to be with the Lord in 2015. Under great direst he sought the Lord with prayer and fasting and contacted BOL through our website. When I asked him how he found us he said "The Lord showed me you would help us." I then asked him "but how did you find us?" He told me "Fasting and Praying and God said you would come to Kenya and that you would help us." I still don't know how he found us. Unless you know the name of this Ministry a simple google search will not yield any results. I guess that's what they call a divine appointment.

(Geofrey Ombaso and Wife)

Upon hearing the conditions of the Children and their great need BOL stepped in and provided the necessary finances to feed the children since mid Nov. 2018. Admittedly skeptical and cautious I contacted Samuel Mwangi with PIPES to see if he could check in on Geofrey's story for BOL. As divine appointments would have it, Sammy was going to be in Kenya within weeks of my phone call to him. BOL provided the funds for Sammy to travel to Kissi, Kenya and check in on the children and Geofrey.

Samuel Mwangi and Geofrey Ombaso and Wife

(Samuel Mwangi, Geofrey Ombaso and Wife)

(Samuel Mwangi delivering supplies sent by BOL to Geofrey)

I am grateful to the Lord Jesus to be involved in such a wonderful ministry project and give all Glory and Praise to Him for the Honor it is to serve and bare His name. Find below a Gallery of Images of the children receiving the provisions sent by BOL. As mentioned before the needs were dire and when BOL stepped in the children were going without food days at a time. When the funds arrived they had a celebratory breakfast of tea and toast. Thank you Jesus!

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