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Tyrel Denver

Prayer for Harvest (Blessing)

Father, forgive me for ingratitude, unthankfulness and any blindness towards the harvests you have provided. It is true that my complaining Spirit has robbed me and aborted many miracles you had scheduled for me. In the name of Jesus, I release myself to You. I give all of me to You, knowing that You will reveal Wonderful and Powerful things to me.

Thank you for my health, my eyesight and ability to walk today.

Thank you for the mind that You have given me, and the doors of favor that have opened into my life.

I am thankful. I am grateful.

I shall not forget Your blessing on my life.

I will be swift to give You the glory and praise for every good thing You do for me. You will receive the tithe of everything you give to me.

I thank you for every blessing. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Recognition of your harvests will destroy the root of bitterness, unleash an enthusiasm unparalleled and open a thousand doors of favor in your lifetime.

"The Law of Recognition", Dr. Mike Murdock pg 193 -194.

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